Saturday, March 9, 2013

Week 9 Reflection: Teachnology

Multiple Intelligence, Learning Style and “Teachnology”

The week is markedly relaxing because we do not have other tasks to do other than reading, blogging and just a little discussing. I had a consummate time reading the articles on multiple intelligences and learning styles. I took the tests and ruminate on the result. Regardless of its accuracy, i just want to have fun.

It’s good to be aware that I truly know enough of myself, my level of emotional intelligence and my learning style. This way I can be more effective in gauging my students learning styles and intelligences. In doing so, I would be able to come up with the right technology tools to use in teaching that will be suitable to the type of learning style my students have.
Technology offers a lot of tools that teachers can use to cater to all the learning types and styles. Technology is a “thousand in one” of the many marvelous and magnificent materials students and teachers can explore towards a fulfilling and satisfying learning environment. I prefer to call it “Teachnology”.

The best thing about using “TEACHnology” in the class is that we get the students aTTention. They are more ATTentive because it is the “In” Thing. Everyone is INTO IT. They work on their own and discover even their kind of learning style and their level of emotional intelligence.

My speech and oral communication class on a reflective mood
Every learner is different, this difference makes everyone interesting. Common sense is in some sense a manifestation of uncommon sense. That holds true with multiple intelligence and learning style. A variety of technology tools and variations in its use can be practically maximized or optimized in the classroom to entail a productive learner-centered environment.

Teachnology brings “Magic” to the learning process. The use of technology in the class draws awe, verve and wonder. Applying “teachnology” in the class makes us closer to the students because they feel that you are indeed in their world. You seem to speak their language and breathe their lives as the shared generation, netizens or digital citizens.

My readings include the study of Susan M. Montgomery and Linda N. Ghoat entitled Student learning styles and their implications for teaching, from the Center for Research on Learning and Teaching (CRLT), Michigan University. The study posed the question: Why incorporate learning styles in our teaching? Montgomery and Ghoat enumerated the following: One, it makes teaching and learning a dialogue. Therefore it is cooperative and interactive. Two, it is responding to a more diverse student body. The diversity is what makes it interesting. Three, it communicates our message. Refreshing ourselves through innovations and gearing into a better mindset. Four, it ensures the future of our disciplines. In reality, no teachers can expect to develop different ways of teaching for each individual students; however, we can use different kinds of “teachnology” tools that can stir the imagination and creates a spark of interests in our learners.
I also like reading Howard Gardner’s 9 Intelligences: Verbal linguistic, visual/spatial, bodily/kinesthetic, musical/rhythmic, intrapersonal/interpersonal, naturalist, and existentialist. Knowing multiple intelligence is like knowing the kind of students we have as learners.

May I quote some significant points, “When asked how educators should implement the theory of multiple intelligences, Gardner says, "It is very important that a teacher take individual differences among kids very seriously The bottom line is a deep interest in children and how their minds are different from one another, and in helping them use their minds well."
“Being intelligent does not always mean that someone tests well -- a problem with which teachers and school administrators have struggled since the earliest days of organized education. Howard Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences helps educators think differently about "IQ," and about what being "smart" means. The theory is changing the way some teachers teach.”

Allow me to reiterate what I mentioned earlier. What good for one, may not be good for the other. Teachers should know what kind of technology tools to use depending upon the intelligence of the learners, when to use them and how to use these tools also matter. In the same way that emotional intelligence affects in the way learners learn."
"Teachnology” teachers are facilitators, spectators, collaborators and assessors of this kind of learning environment.

Further readings, also include: Learning Styles by Felder and Silverman and this are the links- - on student centered teaching and learning

Week 9 has come to a close and week 10 is coming very soon. Everyone has mixed emotions---It is easy to say hi; it is hard to say goodbye---

"Parting is such sweet sorrow." (From Shakespeare's, Romeo and Juliet)

We used to be apart, then we became a part of one another at Webskills. We will soon part, but our parting is just a part of the many parts of our journey in life.

I believe it is just the term that will close and end, but our learning continues like the ocean flow and the depth of our camaraderie will stay for as long as the trees will grow and it will depend on us all. The world is big and small we can always reach each other and share our “teachnology thing” as well as the joys and pains of being a committed educator. 

Webskills, you bring more meaning into my life as an educator and as a human being. Light and love to all.


  1. Dear Sonia,

    Hi! How are you?

    Let me start with the quote you've made on multiple intelligence from Howard Gardener. In his quote, Gardener mentions that a teacher should take individual differences very seriously in class. This is indeed something we teachers should be aware of our students at all the time and make an effort to dig out each intelligence trait that stands out in our students. After identifying it even yet we need to take a further step at encouraging the student pursue with it. This way we are not only encouraging our students to learn joyfully but also make a difference in this world.

    Best Wishes,


    1. Hello Daniel,

      I am good. Hope everything's well on your end too. Seemingly, we both agree on Gardner's statement. I guess we are on the right track. We also need to accept our students as they are and to help them realize their potentials.

      Best wishes Daniel and thank you for dropping by.


  2. Hello, Sonia

    I hope you are doing fine and enyoing the weekend.
    I really think technology tools can facilitate our lives as teachers and can also help our students to learn in a motivating and interesting way. I also believe that it is important for teachers to know how to use these tools quite well or we might get frustrated if there is a problem while using them.


