Saturday, March 16, 2013

Week 10 Reflection: Ineffable


For me, all the topics were very meaningful and useful. Remarkable are the websearching, I will continue to maximize the use of,,,,, interactive PowerPoint,, and from time to time refer to webskills home page. I was able to get to LoTi but the site went off again. So I just read my classmates thoughts and it eased me somehow.

Ineffable is my feeling while writing this, because it is our last blog for webskills and the end of our course. I am also feeling blue because of the demise of one of my favorite uncles who is very close to me. I got very sick during the second to the fourth week of webskills classes, but it did not really let me down as I get back to my pink of health.

Life is indeed rainbow filled with Webskills, our exploration to the different websites is color filled, and our rainbow connection is so intense and wonderful. May all of us continue to be in touch and to get in touch from time to time.

Herman in the Loti discussion said, “Let's keep on learning to change and changing to learn,” 

Webskills is a treasure chest and a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. It is satisfying and fulfilling.

Sitaram's passion manifested when he quoted Rabindranath Tagore's "Tireless striving stretches their arms towards perfection." (Where the mind is without fear) I am also a fan of Rabindranath Tagore.

In the future I want to become an Independent E-Teacher to prepare interactive activities/E-Lessons of my own to use them in my class-room and to help my colleagues to become E-teachers and make my students autonomous learners to be aware of all the 21 century skills.” I share my friend Vinay’s vision with colorful passion.

JC’s sharing of his reading "Digital tools and resources are used by students for extension activities, enrichment exercises, or information gathering assignments that generally reinforce lower cognitive skill development relating to the content under investigation. There is a pervasive use of student multimedia products, allowing students to present their content understanding in a digital format that may or may not reach beyond the classroom." (source LoTi Framework) gave me some point of view about LoTi.

Upendra’s thoughts added more information to my inquisitive mind, “Teacher-centered strategies including the concept attainment, inductive thinking, and scientific inquiry models of teaching are the norm and guide the types of products generated by students using the available digital assets."

Finally Donna clarified that the LoTi Framework is evaluative, and it assumes that the highest level of technology integration is optimal. Is the highest level optimal? I think it depends on the context of the teacher and the learners. I really think that we need to evaluate how appropriate the technology integration is to the context. We should never adopt technology because we like it or because all technology is good and necessary. We should always adopt the level of technology that meets ours and our learners needs.

My profound gratitude goes to Donna for her selfless devotion and dedicated service. Dr. Leslie Beckman and all the staff of UO-AEI, the other teachers of E-teacher programs and creators of Webskills and the Office of Cultural Affairs of the US Embassy in the Philippines for my nomination and selection to the E-teacher Program, "Muchas gracias" from the bottom of my heart. May your tribe increase....

I wish you all bliss and joy, serenity and pink of health....

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