Saturday, February 16, 2013

Week 6 Reflection: Persuasive, Powerful, and Interactive Powerpoint

A teacher should possess the creativity and cunning of a devil and the patience and understanding of an angel.”

I always like using powerpoint in my classes, in seminar and in training and in any business presentation. It is one of the most useful tools for organizing, conveying information, eliciting intellectual discussion, presenting with power, and many more. Young and old alike love it. The usual powerpoint impressed me already, not until I learned this week that:
“Microsoft Powerpoint is an immensely powerful suite, and can be used for much more than straightforward presentations. It can be used to create website mockups, and even interactive learning tools.”  (

Marvelous and splendid is how I describe my discovery and learning experience for week 6 at Webskills. The use of interactive powerpoint in the class is motivating, mood gauging, enlightening, fascinating, thought provoking, and spellbinding. - From this site I learned other three online tools for creating gorgeous presentation which is a variation from powerpoint- Google presentation from the google drive suite, prezi and photosnack.  or photoslideshow, this is good for catalog-website or when you run an e-commerce. you can create survey questionnaires and integrate them into your website as flash widget.

I read the article from here---- ---- and it validates my assessment on the use of powerpoint—

DON’T Read your Powerpoint. Period!

Yes, there are many things we can do to make our PowerPoint more enjoyable to read and simply understand. Accordingly, the other 50% of the weight is determined by how well we present the material.

“Both must be in unison to capture and retain the audience’s attention to ensure they fully comprehend the content you have worked so hard to prepare. But it does not stop there. You must focus the content to the audience’s needs and interests. If it is not in their particular interest, you can make up for it through the areas of presenting the content itself by using analogies to relate it to them as much as possible and your own personality. Those things combined with the confidence you gained through repetitively studying your presentation script will ensure your audience stays intrigued. Lastly, don’t forget about backing up. It can seem like a hassle, but just remember it is a whole lot more of one when you must recreate everything that you lost.”

More tips on powerpoint presentation from the following websites:

Absolutely true, magnificently beautiful, splendidly spellbinding, are just some of the powers of powerpoint play in the classroom, in the board room, in any learning, learner-centered environment.

Looking back, I remember how overwhelmed I was with all the learning tools Donna placed on the table for us. I was overly excited and bewildered. This time, I decided to just focus on a minimum of two and a maximum of 4 things to learn about, reflect on the things to unlearn and go on with the things to relearn. Now, I feel more at ease and relaxed.

Donna also told me to use one technology at a time which is blogging.


Now I enjoy exploring interactive powerpoint and related tools because I shall be giving a seminar-workshop on business letter writing to a group of corporate and business professionals. I am exploring possibilities and will be incorporating technology in my upcoming lectures using my web skill from Webskills.

Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “The world makes the way for a man who knows where he is going”----we are going to the “7th week” and all is well. It is not what you know that counts so much as what you put to use.


  1. Hi Sonia,

    Its amazing that you have included so many useful tool to make our class room learning fun and inspiring.

    I have gone through one or two links, snack tool is very funny and make my students involve in the process of reading.

    I promise you that I will check each and every link you have provided when I get time.

    Thank you for nice and useful blog post.



    1. Mere pyare dost Vinay,

      Thank you for passing by. I am trying my best to cope with the demands of our studies without sacrificing fun and enjoyment. For me, learning should be fun and joyful. Yes, actually, it was my first time with "snacktools" and it caught my fancy. I want to try it with my students too.

      In fairness, you have also shared with us a lot of links that are very helpful to us professionals and I am noting all of them. Please share more about interactive powerpoint presentation tips as well as blogging tips. I will use them often so I'll get use to it eventually.




  2. Hi Sonia,

    Nice talking??? to you,I never forget your comments and post through out the course really they are heart touching and inspiring.

    Thank you,

    Your Dost


  3. Dear Sonia,

    THANK YOU...for sharing so many websites to help create better and more effective interactive PP. Reading your blog is another learning curve for me. I am adding the above mentioned sites to my delicious so that any time in the near future, I have them near at hand.

    I agree that it is not how much that you that counts but how you use it...I am always awestruck by the enormous quantity of 'new' resource available online and wonder whether at the age of 60 (when I retire) I would have even used 10% of them. I suppose the trick is to CHOOSE the one suitable for our learners taking into consideration their learning styles, their interests, age and content of lesson.

    But THANK YOU AGAIN for your wealth of URL

    Regards Pam

  4. Dear Pam,

    Thank you very much for dropping by my page. True, we can only adapt what is appropriate and suitable to our students needs and situations. Awestruck, yes and I am confused sometimes and nervous on how to go about it, just like any first time. I admire your adaptability and straightforwardness.

