Sunday, February 10, 2013

Week 5 Reflection: Empowered and Engaged Learners

I would like to begin my reflective blog this week with this video entitled engage me. This one shows how truly effective Project Based Learning, Alternative Assessment and Rubrics are as engagement and empowerment tools for our students.

Now, I know why Donna said that week 5 topic is her favorite. It is truly a fascinating  and fabulous experience to be learning, unlearning and relearning.

I learned that the illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn and relearn. Alvin Toffler is right in saying this.

Susan Gaer's article on how PBL worked for her in the statement, "Less teaching and more learning" awakens us to truly develop a learner-centered environment where the students can "freely float and flow", carefree and free-spirited in their quest for learning.
Yes, we get the students more engaged and empowered as learners if we hit their passion, if they are given activities that will elicit enthusiasm, creativity, excitement, independence of thoughts and in activities, collaborative efforts, and strengthening of communication.

This week I found out that Project Based Learning is a dynamic approach to teaching in which students explore real world problems and challenges. It is practical teaching and active and engaged learning. PBL is also called constructivism. A constructivist teacher produce "expert learners" in the sense that she encourages students to constantly assess how the activity is helping them gain understanding by questioning their own thoughts and strategies. A learner really knows how to learn in a constructivist environment.

Alternative assessment gives more meaning and substance in the learning process because the students are taking charge of their own learning. They will also have fun and will enjoy being rated by their peers. While rubric helps the student visualizes her grade before she begins working for that grade. You know the criteria thus you work hard to achieve the assessment/desired result.

In its entirety, PBL Alternative Assessment and Rubrics will bring about the best in the learners and more satisfaction on the committed teacher. It will boost the self-confidence and self-esteem of the learners, effect independent thinking, and produce interdependent team players. It will create a harmonious, peaceful, free flowing, and dynamic learning community.

I am still savoring another fascinating and fabulous learning experience after groping from the dark. I believe that anyone who can read and can think will know anything and everyone along the way. I am learning a lot, thank you Donna, thank you Webskills and thank you all.

The pictures are from one of my travels in Japan.


  1. Hello Sonia,

    You are most welcome--I'm so happy that you are acquiring new skills and learning new things.


  2. Dear sonia,
    First of all, I should thank you for sharing such a great video. The messaage is so cut and dry we should let them learn by doing, instead of imposing our own mode of judgement, values and norms. The question raised by the video is still far- reaching; are we making some efforts? Now answers we have is Project Based Learning, webquest and other online board-discussion. So you are right to quote Alvin Toffler that ignorant and illiterate are those we can't learn, unlearn and relearn.That is how teaching as a collaborative art goes on.I too think that Alternative assessment can be a real asset to the students; it encourages them to venture for the good and their interest and makes teachers assess as per their interest and strength rather their weaknesses.
